Category Archives: All

Apple iCal: FAIL

Even before there was an Internet that emphasized the value and
powerful reach of inter-machine resource sharing and interoperability,
there was
a basic concept that any given program ought to be able to use data
files generated by any other instance of the same program, run on
similar hardware. All the user had to do was get the data
from one computer to the other.

Apple’s calendaring “solution” breaks this most basic of understandings.

I am an Apple fan — I heartily enjoy using
my computers to get stuff done, not having to continuously work
on the computers themselves. Apple is a leader in
delivering seamless computing environments. There are so many
things that Apple has gotten
right with the hardware and the user environment. But, sometimes
the apparent drive to “own” the “user experience”, gets in the way of
the actual user. One such area is calendaring: it takes
nothing away from iCal to say that I need it to play with others, and
yet the impediments to doing just that render it virtually
unusable. Message to Apple: making the only
way to sync my iCal across machines is NOT going to get me to subscribe
to, it’s more likely going to get me to stop using iCal.

A common calendar situation

I have a situation that I suspect is not all that unusual in the

I have

  • a personal Apple MacOSX box;
  • an Apple MacOSX box for work; and
  • a personal Apple iPhone.

I need

  • to be able to keep track of, and update, my meetings
    wherever I am (calendar) and
  • to share some versions of my calendar with a shared work calendar


Is this an unusual situation? I can’t believe it is. And
yet, I have no solution to doing the above seamlessly, with iCal.
The fact that iCal has no inherent ability to share data with another
machine, or even publish and subscribe to the same calendar on a remote
server, makes it impossible to do the above without the intervention of
a 3rd party service or purchased software.

And even those are not so obvious, if you happen to share a few of the
principles I have:

  • I won’t store quantities of personal data on my work machine, and
    I certainly won’t make my work machine the primary for a personal
    application. The machine belongs to my employer, and they have to
    be able to pull it back at any time. I don’t care to be left high
    and dry.
  • I won’t store any employer data (i.e., work information) on
    my personal machines. (I don’t think I need to explain this)
  • I won’t store quantities of my personal data on some 3rd party
    remote server
  • I won’t store any employer data on some 3rd party remote server
  • I don’t have time to manually enter/update the same data in 2
    different places

So — I’m not reflecting my calendars of or even Google
Calendars. I won’t put all my calendar info on my work notebook
(only) and then have to sync my iPhone there.

Trying to route around damage

I have set up my own webdav server that both machines can access — but
the fact that an iCal cannot both subscribe to a calendar and publish
it somehere means that having my own server doesn’t provide me
with an authoritative server that both Macs can access.

I tried keeping the 2 machines’ calendar files in sync (using rsync),
and that works for the calendar data files. However, apparently
the calendars (particularly, those to which you subscribe) are stored
separately in preferences, so that they are not properly sync’ed, and
you get wierdness. That last point is particularly
irritating: even if Apple doesn’t care to provide the
functionality of sync’ing across Macs, by internalizing the data, they
are making impossible for me to find an alternative solution (rsync)
without getting into Apple-specific software development (digging
through preferences). This is where they turn their backs on that
age-old premise of reasonably open computing: that you can move
data files from
machine to machine, as long as you have reasonably similar instances of
the software to work on them.

I used to get away with using a 3rd device to be the “calendar of
record” — now my iPhone, previously a PalmOS PDA, and prior to that an
Apple Newton (!). That way, I could keep one calendar in sync
with one machine AND have it everywhere wth me, even when away from my
computer. Easy-peasy! But, now I need to have a calendar
that can sync (several times a day) to a shared work calendar, and the
iPhone can’t do that.

Where next?

So, I’m looking at spending $25/machine to achieve something iCal
should just be able to do. Or, I can use another calendar program
(e.g., Sunbird), and lose all ability to integrate calendar items with
other applications. Neither is an appealing prospect.

Really, Apple — I think this is an instance where you need to Lead
(build the best calendaring app for your platform), Follow (make it
easy for other calendaring programs to be integrated applications) or
Get out of the
way (let me route around your damage).


Geez! The grief I got for displaying non-handknit socks πŸ™‚


So, here we are again — with socks
handknit from Fleece Artist SeaWool
that I bought at Cricket Cove,
Andrews, NB, when we visited this part of the world last
year. (Yes — yarn does occasionally get used within the year it
was purchased… πŸ™‚ ).

Still — my feet, my socks,
my window, my view…!

Gone Fishin’

Metaphorically speaking, of course…

Feet up, down the cove

But, this view is hardly hard to take — looking down Flagg Cove from
Grand Manan Island, in New Brunswick, Canada.

Maryland Sheep & Wool 2008

Fairgrounds parking

It is that time of year again! Hard to believe it’s been a full
year since the
last time

Goodness knows, I haven’t knit up everything I bought last year, but
that didn’t stop me from exploring more work of some of the same fibre
artists (Spirit Trail Fiberworks; Ellen’s 1/2 Pint Farm), as well as
some new ones (Koenig Farms, Tess).


No, don’t worry — that’s not roving in the background; I have not
taken up spinning! That’s some really thick mohair that should be
fun to play with (and, I’d tell you where it was from, if there was a
label on it, or the company name had come through on sales slip!
Sigh πŸ™ ).

My one big takeaway from the day: I need to knit more. A
lot more. It’s not just because my stash is growing at a
frightening rate (although it is). Seeing all the knitting ideas
and possibilities around the festival brought home that there’s a lot
more to do and play with, if I’d just get on with it!

I will note that, although the blog has been quiet, I’ve been posting
knitting progress to my knitting

Finally, it is the *sheep* and wool festival, so we actually did go and
watch one sheep competition…

Sheep competition

Just because…

tosca cross section


KM Weekend FO!

Yes, that’s right — I did say that I had “done another one on the
weekend” πŸ™‚

Green KM Jacket

It’s posted
in my drafty gallery.

For the record — I headed down to the knitting machine around noon on
Saturday, and had it all seamed and trimmed by 2:30pm on Sunday.

This is the original yarn I’d used (Dale Svale) when I first
ventured into making a machine knit sweater
, on my plastic bed Bond
knitting machine.  This time, I did it up on my bulky machine, a
Studio SK890.  It’s pretty much the same pattern (at a very
different gauge) as the first one
I made
, although I did adjust some of the measurements (e.g., this
tapers towards the waist).

I did not consciously remember, though, that I had crowed about the
first effort being a sweater-in-a-weekend!  Ah, well, at least
this time, it turned out reasonably as expected.  My motivation
this time was:  standing in my closet last week, bemoaning my
absolute lack of presentable, lightweight jackets, suitable for fending
off office airconditioning without causing a meltdown while outside in
a Virginia summer.  And I thought “Heh, I have yarn for one! 
And I’m about to be away from my knitting machines for the better part
of a month.  I’d best get cracking.”

So, in some sense, this was an effort to demonstrate that it is
possible to use knitting machines to produce wearable clothes in short
order.  (In fact, it took longer for it to dry from wet-blocking
(>24H) than it did to make the sweater!). 

It was also an important reminder/lesson:  I am not quite ready to
label myself a “process knitter”, but it is the case that the activity
of knitting is what is important to me.  Driving for the end
result — well, a good end result is a fine reward!  But, there
was a certain amount of hyperfocus involved in getting this done
(sewing up seams while having a social drink on the patio; walking
around Sunday morning with the crochet hook and trim work…). 
And when I find myself thinking about how I can expand my wardrobe by
some number of future weekends spent similarly… it starts to feel
like work.

And I really don’t want knitting to be work.

Guess it’ll never be a career, huh? πŸ˜‰

Interestingly, the row gauge was off on this one, as well.  I got
29.5 rows/4 inches on the actual sweater, as compared to the 26 rows/4
inches I measured off the swatch.  I’m not sure what’s with
that.  I guess I’ll have to make bigger swatches for knitting
machine efforts?


That is, for anyone not up on their “l33tspeak” for knitting:  a
Knitting Machine — Finished Object!

KM Blue Jacket

It’s posted
in my drafty gallery.

Yes, I have had that knitting machine for just about a year.  Yes,
this is the first completed project from that knitting machine — since
swatches don’t count as completed projects :^) .   The two
major challenges have been: 

  • finding chunks of time to sit in front of the machine (since
    machine knitting is not something you can just do for 5 minutes, set
    down, and pick up again a week later, the way you can with hand
    knitting); and
  • finding yarns that are really fine enough to work with the
    standard gauge machine (in this instance, a Brother KH930).

For this sweater, I eventually wound up using 2 different yarns at once
— each one is really thread-like.  You can see them in this
detailed photo:


You can also see the effect I got from knitting the two together — a
bit more stripey than variegated, but still interesting.  You can
also see that, even though I was working with 2 strands together, the
stitches are still NOT BIG AT ALL.  This machine makes a very fine

The edging, of which you can see some detail above, is a crochet trim I
added after assembling the sweater.

WorkBench Inspector
Assembly Inspection

Yes, well, about the cat… See, I know that some cats are attracted to
knitting.  Guiness largely ignores mine, for which I’m thankful
(though she has certainly been known to hunt-and-capture dangling ends
when near-completed items are tried on…).  But, the blocking
sweater was *wet*!  And, she wasn’t anywhere near that room! 
And I wanted more air circulation to speed the drying!  So I left
the door open and wandered off to do something else. I think some
little kitty alarm must have gone off in the house, somewhere, because
as soon as I came back:  wham, plonk in the middle of this drying
sweater, one very pleased-with-herself cat!

A bit more about the sweater/project history… A long time ago, with
a plastic bed (toy) knitting machine and a very different yarn (Dale
I made up the pieces for this jacket.  And
then discovered that plastic (toy) knitting machines are very finicky
about producing anything like even gauge throughout the course of a
Different sweater pieces were wildly different
proportions than the ones they were meant to line up with.

It was, in fact, that experience, that finally drove me to commit to buying
a metal-bed knitting machine

So, there is the sense of completing the circle with this project
—  I had to change the yarn and the machine, but I did manage to
complete it, by gar! 

I decided I had so much fun with that — I made another one, this

Dragon Hide Baby Blanket!

This baby blanket is a finished object from (much πŸ™‚ ) earlier this


The story is that I started out by thinking of making something
interesting with the knitting machine (and, at the time, I only had the
standard gauge machine — which meant I had to use very fine
yarn).  So, I settled on a mess of Dale Baby Ull yarn in these,
umm, vibrant colours.

Time passed, and the baby for which it was intended became more
imminent.  At some point, it became clear to me that I and my
knitting machine were not going to be in the same place for long enough
for me to do anything (interesting or otherwise) with it for this
project.  So, the question was — what to do with it by hand?

Two key facts drove my pre-design thinking:

  • Baby Ull has a posted gauge of 32 st to 4 inches (hint — that’s
    great for a sock-sized project, but somewhat daunting for a 32″ blanket)
  • The colours are vibrant!

I might have thought of doing something lacy with it, but for the fact
that my imagination was not coming up with anything that didn’t
emphasize the colours to the point of baby-frightening garishness.

So, I let the yarn lounge in my office for a while, hoping that it
would tell me a thing or two about what it wanted to become. 
Presently, the notion of “dragon hide” wafted out of the bag of
yarn.  Dragons are naturallly colourful creatures and the scale
texture could add a lot of interest. 

Which just left me with the small question of how to implement said
scale effect…  My first inclination was to try various shell
effects in crochet, but all I could produce was something akin to angry
granny squares:

Back to knitting… doing intarsia lozenges would have worked, but
would have been fiddly and, I thought, too “flat”.  Not so much
hide of dragon as sock of argyle.    I knew “entrelac”
would produce a basket weave effect. 

Of course, this meant I had to look up how to do entrelac (never having
done it).  And very shortly thereafter, I was educating myself on
how to knit/purl backwards, so as to avoid having to flip the work for
each row of 6 stitches or less.  Cool!  Two new techniques in
one project!

Here is the test piece, in progress:


Essentially — you knit each set of one colour rectangles across a row,
and then fill in the slots with the next colour, coming back the other
way in the next colour.  Each rectangle is knitted as its own
unit, and is attached to the adjoining rectangles (working live
stitches or picking up edges) as you go.  Pretty funky!

This project travelled — it had at least one trip to Europe, and
probably more than one cross-continent trip.  And I wasn’t
entirely sure I was liking the progress as I went:  still too
garish?  I’m not afraid to knit in public.  But I wasn’t sure
I was ready to show anyone this particular project…!

To clinch the dragon motif, I wanted to do the edging in triangles,
like the ridge down a dragon’s back:

No, that is not a logo.

Finally, done, I tried it on my local dragon to see if I thought it had
achieved the desired dragon hide effect:


I’ve posted
in my drafty gallery.

Bike to Work Day 2007

The 50-year-old
League of American Bicyclists
have declared May as “Bike
Month”.  In particular, for most parts of the country, “National
Bike to Work Day” is tomorrow, Friday May 18:  you have been
alerted & can participate!

Apparently, though, the folks in the SF Bay area like to be a litte
ahead of everyone else, and recognized today, Thursday May 17, as Bike
to Work Day… with a ripple effect out to those of us working for SF
Bay Area HQ’ed companies in far-flung parts of the country.


This is my bike.  This is my
cube.  Any questions? πŸ˜‰

Certainly, the lobby ambassador had none as I slithered up to her to
check in!

Really, it was a lovely day for it — no rain, nice temperatures. 
And I’m fortunate that 2/3 of the route follows a recreational
trail.  So, the ride in was all deer and rabbit and turtle and
ground hog, except for the last few miles of negotiating along the edge
of various concrete seas.  Though the backback was a bit much —
it just about overset me on a few occasions.  (I rather suspect
that I looked like this
from behind πŸ˜‰ ).

The ride home was perhaps more of a slog and a little less charming —
the recreational trail was populated by more dog-walkers and other
random folk, who were random obstacles to be navigated around. 
And then there were the flocks of shiny-clad cycle clubs who swooped by
(for whom I was a random obstacle to be navigated around).  
I don’t think it was *just* because they were on road bikes (not a
mountain bike), didn’t have a 20lb backback to slew their center of
gravity, and hadn’t already done this once already today that they had
the tour de force advantage!

Heh.  I am not an athlete (this is not news!).  But I did up
and decide to pump up the tires on the bike I hadn’t ridden in 18
months, ride (just over 19mi) to work, and then rode (just over 19mi)
home, so I think I’m doing okay.

And, if you’ll pardon me, I’m going to hike over to  a soft and
cushy chair for a bit…!

For those of you living outside the SF Bay Area, in the States — your
turn, tomorrow! πŸ˜‰

Cables, Redux and Gallery

The eagle-eyed will have observed
evidence of a work in
, some time ago.  I am pleased to report that the
remake of a cable sweater I’d made (17 years ago?), from a Family
Circle pattern, is now complete!


I used the Jo
Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed I’d bought a year ago
, in Perth.  I
really enjoyed the yarn — it felt nice to work with, and produced
excellent stitch definition and a lovely fabric.  It’s sort of
slubbed — a little uneven in thickness — so it’s going to produce a
textured surface whether the pattern includes textured stitches or no.

I know, I know — there are so many sweater patterns and possibilities
under the sun, why would you remake one you’d already done?  I
made  the original out of some generic acrylic stuff (I 
might even still have a ball band somewhere…), and loved the sweater
to death.  It was fast & easy to make.  It fit
well.  It looked reasonably well-crafted (which was particularly a
bonus, that early in my knitting efforts!).  And then one day it
just gave up — stretched out and didn’t stretch back.  The
sleeves dangled.  The collar fell off my shoulders.  You know
what I mean.

The recollection of the easy/fun knit and rewarding result lead me to
cast on for this as my mindless/road trip project, and that was pretty
successful.  Except that I finished it just at the very extreme
reaches of anything that can be called sweater weather in this part of
the world πŸ˜‰  Wear reports will have to wait.

If you’ve been adventurous and clicked on the image above, you’ll have
also discovered something else I’ve been slowly working on — the knitbot
FO Gallery
.  Obviously, I’m just beginning to populate it, but
I figured I’d test drive it on a few items and get it posted. 
I’ll probably be filling it in from both ends and the middle for a
while yet, from accumulated photographs.