Grey Mouse Scarf (2009)


grey mouse scarf Pattern:  “Rippling Waters” scarf, from Fiddlesticks Knitting

  Filatura di Crosa Superior (#27, grey) — silk and cashmere blend
Method:  Knitting
Completed:  June 14, 2009.

I called this the “mouse” project, because the yarn is so, so soft and fluffy.  Why, yes, I do know what a mouse feels like, but let’s not discuss that now.  The yarn is so very light — the entire scarf weighs about an ounce.

For those who are keeping track, this is the second time I’ve knit the Rippling Waters scarf — having done it in a heavier gauge project, as a stole.

Finished measurements (post-blocking):  49″ x 11 1/2″

detail of scarf The scarf showing off the edging and the body patterns.  Note the remainder yarn — looks like it’s more than a little bit, but it weighs in at less than 1g (of 25).
main pattern live Detail of the rippling waters (main pattern)
blockingedge blockingclose detail, blocking Blocking detail.  In the extreme closeup, you can see the cashmere and silk as separate elements of the spun yarn (the silk offers the shine, while the cashmere brings the fluffiness).


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