Cords and Cables Crochet Cardi (2011)


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cords and cables Pattern: Cords & Cables Crochet Cardigan by Maureen Mason-JamiesonYarn:Shelridge Farm Soft Touch DKW
Method:  Crochet
Completed:  September 17 2011.

I picked up the kit for this crochet cardigan at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival in 2007.      I started it a few months later, and worked on it, on and off, for about 4 years.    It was a fun project!  And, it has nice attention to detail — like the ice blue edging everywhere.  But, crochet is really not my first fibre love (though I started crocheting before I started knitting).  And changing colours every row or 2 really put a crimp in working up momentum.

The pattern is available for sale, and it equally works well in a single colour.  You have to be half insane to do the colourwork ( 😀 ), though I know there is another multicoloured one out there somewhere, because I tried it on at MDS&W 2007.  This is a size Small.  I was a little worried that, after 4 years, I wasn’t.  Thank goodness for the “give” in crochet 🙂

And, there’s a lot of wool in this one.  The cables and cords add dimension and weight to the whole thing — it’s a very heavy sweater.

Still not sure about the button placement — I may opt to move them at some later date.

It’s funny — after 4 years, I feel kind of empty to be done with the project!   It’s been a trusty companion, always there when I was between projects.  Sort of like finishing a good novel, and feeling like you’re saying goodbye to all the characters and the setting.

alt frontopen More front views — with the top closed and open.  Note that it’s asymmetric, and there is only one pocket.  (But, there is a pocket!).
backback alt
Back views.  The picture on the left captures the colour really well.
flat Flat view.
pocket detailcollar detail Detail — the pocket, with its edging; and the collar.
button loopcuff detail Detail — chain & single crochet button loop; cuff (same colour progression as collar!).
arty shotinside Alternative perspectives — artsy shot up the front, and the underside of the crochet front.
problem 1problem 2... fix On the left — trial #1.  I thought I was going great guns, only to realize I was crocheting backwards, not doing reverse crochet.  Huh?  Click the picture to see the issue.On the right — I pulled out almost 1/2 of the first sleeve when I realized I’d put the shoulder strap on the wrong end of the sleeve.  I balled each bit of yarn, and labeled it with the row number, to re-use it in the re-construction.
wrong shoulder strapshoulder strap -- correct Wrong and right — shoulder strap at the cuff end of the sleeve — but it makes such a neat progression from the narrowing to the cuff!  And, look how much I had to rip out to fix the problem.  On the right — all those bits re-crocheted and the shoulder strap on the correct end of the sleeve.
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