Tapestry Crochet Doilies (2015)
September 6, 2015 - No Comments
Pattern: Octagonal tapestry crochet doilies/mats.
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Silk DK
Method: Crochet (tapestry crochet)
Completed: September 6, 2015.
Finished measurement is 9” across. I did two doilies/mats with 1 ball each of solid (Mulberry) and variegated (Tahoe) Debbie Bliss Silk DK (with just small remnants of each ball left when I was done). I inverted the colours for the second doily/mat.
The projects were fun! Not sure what I’m going to do with these pieces: I don’t want to put them in use under anything that would be wet or messy, as I suspect the silk would be difficult to care for.
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