Sunset Spun (2015)
Fibre: Into the Whirled ‘Il Tramonto’ colourway on 85% Polwarth, 15% Silk. 4 – 4.3oz fibre.
Yarn: First skein: 2.20oz, 203.33 yards; Second skein: 2.05oz, 161.82 yards
Method: Wheel spun with short-forward-draw; chain plied.
Completed: October 22, 2015.
I split the roving in two lengthwise, and spun them short forward draw on the wheel. I debated chain-plying to make 2 skeins of sock yarn (fraternal twins), or make it a 2-ply, trying to match up the colours in the plies. In the end, realizing that the colours might line up at the beginning of plying the singles and then get increasingly out of alignment, I decided to chain ply the singles.
First skein: 2.20oz, 203.33 yards
Second skein: 2.05oz, 161.82 yards
I’m not sure what accounts for the difference in length. The shorter skein also has some kinks. Not sure if it is over or under spun or plied… :-/ Odd that they are so different in length, for such a small apparent difference in weight of fibre. The thickness of the yarn is not obviously different in the 2 skeins.
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