Flaming Sunset Wheelspun (2018)
February 28, 2018 - No Comments
Fibre: Into the Whirled ‘Mephit’ on 50% Merino/50% Bombyx Silk
Yarn: 2-ply: ~242 yds; Chain-plied: ~34.4 yds, a bit heavier than sock weight
Method: Wheel spun with long draw
Completed: February 28, 2018.
I split the top in two at the midpoint, and spun each half as a single, long draw, then plied. My spinning was (still) pretty uneven, so the first single was considerably longer than the second. That extra bit was chain plied. A bit heavier than sock weight, in the end.
Also, since it’s 50% silk, it’s not very elastic. Probably should have done a short forward draw and made it intentionally smooth and shiny.
I have to say — at 50% silk, it was delightfully soft to work with! And, the resulting yarn is quite soft and drapey, too.
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