Spindle-spun Angora Handpaint (2019)
September 8, 2019 - No Comments

Fibre: The Rosefield Handpainted Angora Roving
Yarn: Approx 300yds two-ply, slightly less than sock weight.
Method: Spindle-spun and plied (with my e-spinner)
Completed: September 8, 2019.
I started this project over a year ago. It was a background project — an easily portable spinning project.
Skein 1: 35g, ~154 yds
Skein 2: 24g, ~ 142 yds (Clearly, thinner)
It was fun, though I wound up carding the fibre further, with my hand carders, because I wanted a smoother draw to make a fine single. Also, I don’t think I put enough twist when plying; there are places that the plies seem to be separating.
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